Fat Cat Bulletz Soft Tip Darts 18 Grams
$ 42.99 USD
90% Tungsten Barrels have a slim profile, allowing for tighter grouping of shots which increase scoring.
Barrels with ridgeback grooves provides an excellent and consistent grip throw after throw while lightweight nylon shafts provide the proper spacing between flight and barrel.
High speed slim flights feature an aerodynamic design that reduces drag and allows your darts to reach a higher velocity in your throw, causing your darts to stick in the board much better.
Keep darts and accessories protected with a slim case, featuring a hard outer shell and locking clasps preventing movement and possible breakage.
Includes six flights, six nylon shafts, six 2BA Tufflex II Tips, Dart mechanic repair tool, and Deluxe Dart Pal Dart Case.
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